Monday, October 5, 2020

Prayers of the People for Indigenous Peoples Day

For Indigenous Peoples Day

In Thanksgiving for Mother Earth, who sustains our very life, especially during this season of bountiful harvest, we pray.

In Thanksgiving for Native Americans, who lived for millennia in harmony with Mother Earth, may the leaders of all countries listen to the wisdom of their native peoples and work to make the drastic changes necessary in how we live on Earth, we pray.

In thanksgiving for our Native American sisters and brothers of this region, as we remember that we live on the land, that the Potawatomi peoples once called home, we pray.

For Native Americans and 1st Nation Peoples, as they strive to bring back their languages and cultures and confront the problems of poverty and hunger on so many reservations and in so many cities and towns, we pray.

That the church gathered last year in the Synod on the Amazon will learn from the indigenous peoples of that region and speak out, acting to protect them from the attacks upon them and upon the rain forest that is their home, we pray.

That the Catholic Church may be forgiven for its colonial attitudes and destructive actions and be reconciled with indigenous peoples everywhere in respectful and mutual encounter, dialogue, and lived faith in our one God, we pray.

For those indigenous around the planet that are suffering so disproportionately from the Covid-19 Pandemic, for their healing and for an end to the systemic injustices that left them so vulnerable, we pray.

That our Church, responding with courage to the signs of our times, may embrace integral ecological conversion and preach it with prophetic urgency, we pray.

Presider: O God of all peoples, enlighten our minds and soften our hearts so that we will be open to healing and life-giving change. Enable us to see each other and all the creatures of our Mother Earth with eyes like Yours. Call us to a new awareness of the sacredness of creation and the beauty in its diversity so that we may contribute to a world where there is harmony, justice, and lasting peace. We make our prayer in the name of Christ and in the power of Your Holy Spirit where we live and move and have our being now and forever. Amen.


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