Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Indigenous First Fire Ceremony (Easter Vigil)

First Fire Ceremony

A service for Easter Vigil


The people gather around a fire pit in the circle outside the church. In preparation for the ceremony prayers have been written on pieces of paper.


Introduction by Elder:

Sisters and brothers, we gather on this night to mark the end of a journey and the invitation to into a new creation. We celebrate the tradition of our ancestors with the lighting of a fire, this fire. We invite God our Creator into our presence with the following prayer:


(The fire is lit. First tobacco and then sweet grass is placed on the fire. The sacred fire is within your own heart, the sacred place of the most high-- only you can go there.)


The Sacred Fire Prayer

We circle around the fire 
We feel the spirits near
We know their loving presence 
As we offer them our prayers

See the gentle smoke rising
From the earth to the sky
Sharing each prayer we offer
With the ancient ones on high

Every thought, every hope
Every joy, every dream
Sent upon the sacred smoke
To the ancient ones unseen

Hear the voice calling you
In your heart you know it's true
Feel the love abound
Of the ancient ones around you

Elder continues and people respond:
O Great Spirit of the East,
radiance of the rising sun,
Spirit of new beginnings,
O Grandfather fire,
Great nuclear fire-- of the Sun,
Power of life-energy, vital spark, power to see far,
and to Imagine with boldness.
Power to purify our senses,
our hearts and our minds,
we pray that we may be aligned with you,
so that your powers may flow through us,
And be expressed by us, for the good of this our Mother Earth
and all that you have created on it.

Elder concludes:
Ancient one, eternally young, giver of life and source of energy, with fire you kindle the heavens to shine. In us the spiritual light of your embrace lights our hearts afire so that we might be your light in the world. We give thanks for:

At this time we will ask for prayers to be shared out loud or in silence. As each person prays they are asked to come forward placing those things that we leave behind into the fire acknowledging that they have been answered.

Once these things have burned to smoke and ash, we will continue with the lighting of the Pascal candle. Sweet grass is added to the fire.

Presider continues:
On this most holy night, in which our Lord Jesus passed over from death to life, we celebrate his victory over death and pray:

Creator God, through your Son you have bestowed upon your people the brightness of your light: sanctify this new fire, and grant that in this paschal feast we may so burn with heavenly desires, that with pure minds we may attain to the festival of everlasting light; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Paschal Candle is lit from the newly kindled fire. The candle of each person is lit from the Paschal Candle. The people process into the church and the Paschal Candle is brought to the altar. Each person is invited to follow this symbolic fire.

The cantor sings the Exsultet as we process. When we reach the altar the congregation forms a circle around the altar.


Cantor:     The light of Christ.
People:     Thanks be to God. 
Repeated three times




The congregation processes to the baptismal font (a song may be sung here, preferably led by a drum)

Presider continues
We thank you, O Divine Creator, for the gift of water. Over it your Spirit moved in the beginning of creation. Over at your Spirit moves and the circle of life continues, flowing through the wombs of the earth.

People, facing East
Creator, we remember that from the East each new day is born and the spiritual gifts of wisdom and prophecy are nourished by the waters of the Atlantic and beyond.

Water from the East is poured into the font
Creator of all, thank you for each new beginning. Bless this flowing water from the East and the new life it represents.

People, facing South
Creator, we remember ourselves as relatives of the people and waters of the South who bring us the spiritual gifts of faith and knowledge and the warmth of your creation.

Water from the South is poured into the font
Creator of all, thank you for the warmth. Bless this flowing water from the south and the new life it brings forth.

People, facing West
Creator, you gave us the spiritual gifts of love and understanding. The waters of the Pacific and beyond see the last light of day and bring in the night.

Water from the West is poured into the font
Creator of all, thank you for the night. Bless this flowing water from the West and the new life it brings forth.

People, facing North
Creator, we thank you for the coolness of the north, the season for sleep and rest and for the snow as it prepares to be transformed into new water and new life.

Water from the North is poured into the font

Creator of all, thank you for coolness and rest period bless this flowing water and the new life it brings forth.

Creator, this water has come from different directions, the East, South, West, and North. It represents the fruits of the Spirit and your creation. We have put ourselves into one font and ask you to sanctify this water and use it as a symbol of our commitment to be one faithful community joining together in the risen life of Jesus Christ your Son. Amen.

Each person is invited to take water from this sacred water. In it we are one period in it we are reminded of the blessings that it brings forth. Once water has been poured together it cannot be separated.



--The Rev. Debbie Royals,  from the Rev. Debbie Royals, ed.  A Sampler: Native American/Alaska Native and Native Hawai’ian Liturgies, Prepared for the 76th General Convention of the Episcopal Church, July 2009, Anaheim, CA.

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