Sunday, October 29, 2023

A Prayer of the Four Directions (Indigenous Opening Acclamation)

 Opening Acclamation standing as able                    A Prayer of the Four Directions, adapted from a prayer used at the Washington National Cathedral, A Celebration of Native American Survival, 1992.


Presider      Creator, the strength of the people, we honor you. 

Listen to the thoughts of your people. 

We respect the truth of your spirit world 

and care for your creations 

to the East, to the South, to the West, and to the North. 

All           We honor you by deeds and not words. 

Presider      We live by the ways YOU have entrusted to us 

within the circle of life.

All           Come, Great Spirit, as we gather in your name.


Presider      We face East: 

to your symbol color Gold, the breath of the morning sun, 

to your animal sign the Eagle 

which soars ever upward in the praise of the Creator 

and calls us to do the same, 

to your words calling us to balance our minds

in the spirit of humility and truth. 

All           We invoke your spirit of illumination and far sighted vision. 

Presider      The ways have shown us how to love you and each other with     heart, mind, and soul, and we pray:

All           Come, Holy Creator’s Spirit, Come.


Presider      We turn to the South: 

to your symbol color Red, the hue of revelation, 

to your animal sign the Wolf… strong and enduring. 

All           We invoke your wisdom, grace, and goodness of the ages.

Presider      The ways call us to balance of Spirit, 

and harmony with all nations, tribes, and clans, and we pray:

All           Come, Holy Creator’s Spirit, Come.


Presider      We turn to the West: 

to your symbol color Black, the stillness of night, 

to your sign Thunder, mighty and bold, 

to your animal sign the Buffalo. 

All           We invoke your spirit ways of seeing within the community 

and its strength to endure.

Presider      The ways call us to balance emotions 

in the tradition of truth and honesty, and we pray:

All           Come, Holy Creator’s Spirit, Come.


Presider      We turn to the North: 

to your symbol color White, the truth of clarity and brightness, 

to your animal sign, the Bear, 

who touches us with earthiness and all things growing, 

to your words calling us the balance of our body 

in the spirit of a good sense and humor. 

All           We invoke your spirit of innocence, trust, and love. 

Presider      The ways open our eyes to the sacredness of each living thing, and we pray:

All           Come, Holy Creator’s Spirit, Come.


Presider      We turn to complete the circle: 

to God the creator who cleanses the world 

with snow, wind, and rain; 

to the Creator’s Son, Jesus the Christ, 

who fills us with mercy and loving embrace of all nations; 

and to the Holy Creator's Spirit, who guides us; and we pray:

All           Come, Holy Creator’s Spirit, Come.


Presider      Creator, you bent the Earth like a bow 

     until it was one, round, shining planet. 

At your word the land was drawn 

     into mountains and tundra, 

     forests and prairies; 

          the waters were gathered together 

          into rivers, lakes, and seas. 

Many times, when people crossed these seas from other lands 

     they broke the circle of your creation 

     by their greed and violence, 

     and they shattered the lives of others. 

Creator, renew the circle of the Earth 

and turn the hearts of all people to one another; 

that they and all the Earth

     may live and be drawn toward you 

through the love of Jesus Christ, 

     who lives with you and the Holy Spirit 

          in the circle of the Trinity, 

               forever One. Amen.

-- adapted from a prayer used at the Washington National Cathedral, A Celebration of Native American Survival, 1992, found in National Indigenous People's Day of Prayer from the Anglican Church of Canada,

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