Saturday, November 4, 2023

505 Template for Native American Heritage Month, 2023 (All Saints readings)


Centering Bell                             ¥

U As the ringing fades, we open our hearts and spirits to the sacred. You might physically make the sign of the cross, bow, or press hands together in the anjali mudra. 


Acknowledgement for the Land standing as able    adapted from All Saints’ Church, Minneapolis


Presider      Creator, you made all people of every land. It is our responsibility to give thanks and respect to those who first occupied this land we are upon. We acknowledge our debt to the Osage Nation, the Illiniwek/Peoria Tribe, the O-Gah-Pah (Quapaw) Tribe, the Otoe-Missouria Tribe, and other First Peopleswho have passed from memory, the rightful tenders of this land. We offer our respect to those ancestors who may be interred in this land. We are also thankful for the gifts of the People of the land. 

All           Creator, let us be of good mind to make amends for the mistreatment of this land and to those who have been displaced. With thankful and respectful hearts, we pray in your Name, Your Son the peacemaker, and the Sacred Spirit. Amen.

Opening Acclamation standing as able              A Prayer of the Four Directions, adapted 

from a prayer used at the Washington National Cathedral, A Celebration of Native American Survival, 1992.


Presider      Creator, the strength of the people, we honor you. 

Listen to the thoughts of your people. 

We respect the truth of your spirit world 

and care for your creations 

to the East, to the South, to the West, and to the North. 

All           We honor you by deeds and not words. 

Presider      We live by the ways YOU have entrusted to us 

within the circle of life.

All           Come, Great Spirit, as we gather in your name.


Presider      We face East: 

to your symbol color Gold, the breath of the morning sun, 

to your animal sign the Eagle 

which soars ever upward in the praise of the Creator 

and calls us to do the same, 

to your words calling us to balance our minds

in the spirit of humility and truth. 

All           We invoke your spirit of illumination and far sighted vision. 

Presider      The ways have shown us how to love you and each other with     heart, mind, and soul, and we pray:

All           Come, Holy Creator’s Spirit, Come.


Presider      We turn to the South: 

to your symbol color Red, the hue of revelation, 

to your animal sign the Wolf… strong and enduring. 

All           We invoke your wisdom, grace, and goodness of the ages.

Presider      The ways call us to balance of Spirit, 

and harmony with all nations, tribes, and clans, and we pray:

All           Come, Holy Creator’s Spirit, Come.


Presider      We turn to the West: 

to your symbol color Black, the stillness of night, 

to your sign Thunder, mighty and bold, 

to your animal sign the Buffalo. 

All           We invoke your spirit ways of seeing within the community 

and its strength to endure.

Presider      The ways call us to balance emotions 

in the tradition of truth and honesty, and we pray:

All           Come, Holy Creator’s Spirit, Come.


Presider      We turn to the North: 

to your symbol color White, the truth of clarity and brightness, 

to your animal sign, the Bear, 

who touches us with earthiness and all things growing, 

to your words calling us the balance of our body 

in the spirit of a good sense and humor. 

All           We invoke your spirit of innocence, trust, and love. 

Presider      The ways open our eyes to the sacredness of each living thing, and we pray:

All           Come, Holy Creator’s Spirit, Come.


Presider      We turn to complete the circle: 

to God the creator who cleanses the world 

with snow, wind, and rain; 

to the Creator’s Son, Jesus the Christ, 

who fills us with mercy and loving embrace of all nations; 

and to the Holy Creator's Spirit, who guides us; and we pray:

All           Come, Holy Creator’s Spirit, Come.


Presider      Creator, you bent the Earth like a bow 

     until it was one, round, shining planet. 

At your word the land was drawn 

     into mountains and tundra, 

     forests and prairies; 

          the waters were gathered together 

          into rivers, lakes, and seas. 

Many times, when people crossed these seas from other lands 

     they broke the circle of your creation 

     by their greed and violence, 

     and they shattered the lives of others. 

Creator, renew the circle of the Earth 

and turn the hearts of all people to one another; 

that they and all the Earth

     may live and be drawn toward you 

through the love of Jesus Christ, 

     who lives with you and the Holy Spirit 

          in the circle of the Trinity, 

               forever One. Amen.

Gathering Prayer seated                                     Ojibwe, The Rt. Rev. Mark McDonald

Presider      Creator, we give you thanks for all YOU are and all YOU bring to us for our visit within your creation. In Jesus, YOU place the gospel in the Center of this Sacred Circle through which all of creation is related. 

YOU show us the way to live a generous and compassionate life.

All           Give us your strength to live together with respect and commitment as we grow in your spirit, for YOU are God, now and forever. Amen.

The Collect seated                                                         Collect for the Feast of All Saints

Presider      God be with you.

People        And also with you.

Presider      Let us pray. 

All              Almighty God, YOU have knit together your elect in one communion and fellowship in the mystical body of your Son Christ our Lord: Give us grace so to follow your blessed saints in all virtuous and godly living, that we may come to those ineffable joys that you have prepared for those who truly love you; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, in glory everlasting. Amen.



First Reading seated                                                       Matthew 5:1-12, NRSV

Leader        A reading from the Gospel according to Matthew.


Leader        When Jesus saw the crowds, he went up the mountain; and after he sat down, his disciples came to him. Then he began to speak, and taught them, saying:

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, 

for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

All              “Blessed are those who mourn, 

for they will be comforted.

Leader        “Blessed are the meek, 

for they will inherit the earth.

All              “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, 

for they will be filled.

Leader        “Blessed are the merciful, 

for they will receive mercy.

All              “Blessed are the pure in heart, 

for they will see God. 

Leader        “Blessed are the peacemakers, 

for they will be called children of God.

All              “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, 

for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Leader        “Blessed are you when people revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. 

Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.


                  Pause. Breathe.


Leader        Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches.

All              Thanks be to God.


The Gospel:   Proclaiming the Good News! seated  

Matthew 5:1-12, First Nations Version of the New Testament

Leader        The Holy Gospel of our Savior Jesus Christ according to Luke.

People        Glory to you, Lord Christ.


Let the precious words take root within you. In each section, see which word claims your mind or heart. Say it aloud in the pause afterward.



When Creator Sets Free (Jesus) saw this great crowd, he went back up into the mountainside and sat down to teach the people. His followers came to him there, so he took a deep breath, opened his mouth, and began to share his wisdom with them and teach them how to see Creator’s good road.

“Creator’s blessing rests on the poor, the ones with broken spirits. 

The good road is theirs to walk.


“Creator’s blessing rests on the ones who walk a trail of tears, 

for Creator will wipe the tears from their eyes and comfort them.”


“Creator’s blessing rests on the ones who walk softly and in a humble manner. 

The earth, land, and sky will welcome them and always be their home.


“Creator’s blessing rests on the ones who hunger and thirst for wrongs to be made right again. 

They will eat and drink until they are full.


“Creator’s blessing rests on the ones who are merciful and kind to others. 

Their kindness will find its way back to them-- full circle.


“Creator’s blessing rests on the pure of heart. 

They are the ones who will see the Great Spirit.


Creator’s blessing rests on the ones who make peace. 

It will be said of them, ‘They are the children of the Great Spirit!’


Creator’s blessing rests on the ones who are hunted down and mistreated for doing what is right, 

for they are walking the good road from above.

W ~~Pause; Breathe; Name the word or phrase that rings for you.~~ W


“Others will lie about you, speak against you, and look down on you with scorn and contempt, all because you walk the road with me. So let your hearts be glad and jump for joy, for you will be honored in the spirit-world above. You are like the prophets of old, who were treated in the same way by your ancestors.”

W ~~Pause; Breathe; Name the word or phrase that rings for you.~~ W

Leader        The Word of the Lord.

All              Thanks be to God.

The Homily: Inviting the Word Into Our Lives                            Presider


Prayers of the People                          adapted from Church of the Four Winds, Portland, Oregon

Presider      Creator and Redeemer, as we approach YOU in prayer: 

make us walk in beauty and balance, 

     make us open our hearts and minds, 

          make us speak the truth. 

We pray first for your Community, 

     the Church, the Body of Christ. 

We pray for all our relatives 

     and the circle of life throughout all creation; 

for those chosen to be our leaders and teachers; 

All              Creator, teach us and show us the way.

Leader        In peace, we pray to YOU, Lord God.

              We call upon the Earth, our Mother and Home, 

     with its beautiful depths, soaring heights, and deep waters; 

          its vitality and abundance of life; 

and together we ask that it

All              teach us and show us the way.

Leader        We call upon the mountains and tundra, 

     the high green valleys and prairies filled with wild flowers, 

          the snows, the summits of intense silence, 

and we ask that they

All              teach us and show us the way.

Leader        We call upon the land which grows our food, the nurturing soil,     

     the fertile fields, 

          the abundant gardens and orchards, 

and we ask that they

All              teach us and show us the way.

Leader        We call upon the forests, 

the great trees reaching strongly to the sky 

with earth in their roots and the heavens and their branches, 

     the Fir and the Pine, 

          the Cedar and the Maple, 

and we ask them to

All              teach us and show us the way.

Leader        We call upon the creatures 

of the fields and forests and the waters, 

our kindred the wolves and deer, 

     the eagle and bear, 

          the great whales and the fish. 

We ask them to

All              teach us and show us the way.

Leader        In intercession, we pray for the sick and the infirm; especially


Leader reads names of those on our prayer list; 

 the people of Ukraine and the Holy Land; those living in terror and trauma from gun violence; the hundreds of missing and murdered Indigenous women all across this hemisphere; 

(Please add your own concerns)



Leader        Creator, we are surrounded by our ancestor saints, 

especially Martin of Tours, Molly Brant, Onongwatgo, Helen Peterson, Noah Brokenleg, Hehaka Sapa, Enmegabowh, David Oakerhater, Kateri Tekakwitha, Tipi Sapa, Kamehameha and Emma, and countless others. 

On this Feast of All Saints and All Souls, we remember now before YOU all whom we love, but see no longer, 

especially those in our columbarium, and those we now name:


(Please say the names of those departed you wish to remember.

You are invited to write them on a card and place them on our Altar of Remembrance)



All              Creator, YOU made the world and declared it to be good: 

the beauty of the trees, 

          the softness of the air, 

                    the fragrance of the grass speaks to us; 

the summit of the mountains, 

          the Thunder of the sky, 

                    the rhythm of the waters speak to us; 

the faintness of the stars, 

          the freshness of the morning, 

                    the dew drops on the flowers speak to us. 

But above all, 

     our heart soars,

          for you speak to us in Jesus Christ, 

                    in whose name we offer these prayers. Amen.


The Peace standing as able, then greet each other with a bow or wave or anjali mudra

Presider      The peace of God be always with you,

People        And also with you.

{{Greet one another in the name of Christ. {{


As the table is prepared for Holy Communion, gifts of bread and wine are brought up by members of the congregation to the chapel altar. At this time, we also pass the offering plate to present our monetary offerings to God out of gratitude. Once the table is prepared, we ask the congregation to rise and acknowledge our gratitude and offerings to God with these words:

Priest          All things come from you, O Lord. We return our best to you.

People       Creator, YOU bless us with many good gifts 

                  returned to YOU from your creation. 

              Feed us with the bread of life, 

              your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.




THE HOLY COMMUNION                           adapted from Enriching Our Worship 1, Prayer 2

(Children are always welcome to come forward to see.)


The Great Thanksgiving standing as able

Presider      God the Creator is here.

People        God’s Spirit is with us.

Presider      Lift up your hearts.

People        We lift them to the Lord.

Presider      Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.

People        It is right to give God thanks and praise.


The people may sit. The Presider continues

We praise YOU and we bless YOU, 

     holy and gracious God, 

          source of life abundant. 

From before time YOU made ready the creation. 

Your Spirit moved over the deep and brought all things into being: 

     sun, moon, and stars; 

          Earth, winds, and waters; 

               and every living thing. 

YOU made us in your image, 

     and taught us to walk in your ways. 

But we rebelled against YOU, 

     and wandered far away; 

and yet, as a mother cares for her children, 

     YOU would not forget us.

Time and again YOU called us to live in the fullness of your love.


People        Blessed are YOU, gracious God, Creator of the universe and giver of life.



Glory and honor and praise to YOU, holy and living God.

To deliver us from the power of sin and death 

     and to reveal the riches of your grace, 

YOU looked with favor upon Mary, your willing servant, 

     that she might conceive and bear a son, 

          Jesus the holy child of God.


Living among us, Jesus loved us. 

He broke bread with outcasts and sinners, 

     healed the sick, 

          and proclaimed good news to the poor.

He yearned to draw all the world to himself 

                          --yet we were heedless of his call to walk in love.


Then, the time came for him to complete upon the cross 

      the sacrifice of his life, 

           and to be glorified by YOU.


The Presider holds or touches the bread.

On the night before He died for us, Jesus was at table with his friends. He took bread, gave thanks to YOU, broke it, and gave it to them, saying:       

“Take, eat: This is MY Body, which is given for you. 
                  Do this for the remembrance of ME.”

R bells ring R

The Presider holds or touches the chalice and wine vessels.

As supper was ending, Jesus took the cup of wine. Again, He gave thanks, gave it to them, and said: 

“Drink this, all of you:

This is MY Blood of the new Covenant,
which is poured out for you —and for all— 

for the forgiveness of sins.  
Whenever you drink it, do this for the remembrance of ME.”

R bells ring R


Therefore we proclaim the mystery of faith:

All              Christ has died; Christ is risen; Christ will come again.


Presider (touching bread and wine)

Now gathered at your table, O God of all creation, 

and remembering Christ, crucified and risen, 

who was and is and is to come, 

we offer to YOU our gifts of bread and wine, 

     and ourselves, a living sacrifice. 

U Pour out your Spirit upon these gifts 

that they may be for us the Body and Blood of Christ. 

Breathe your Spirit over the whole Earth

 and make us your new creation, 

the Body of Christ given for the world YOU have made. 


In the fullness of time bring us, with Martin, Mary, and all your saints, from every tribe and language and people and nation, to feast at the banquet prepared from the foundation of the world. 


Through Christ and with Christ and in Christ, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, 

All              to YOU be honor, glory, and praise, for ever and ever. AMEN.

R bells ring R


And now, as Jesus taught us, we pray:


The Lord’s Prayer (Standing, in unison)                                     Nez Perce

O Great Spirit,

YOU are our Shepherd Chief in the most high place

whose home is everywhere, even beyond the stars and moon.

Whatever YOU want done, let it be done also everywhere.

Give us your gift of bread day by day.

Forgive our wrongs as we forgive those who wrong us.

Take us away from wrongdoings

free us from all evil for everything belongs to you. 

Let your power and glory shine forever. Amen.

Fraction Anthem

Presider      Alleluia. We break this bread to share in the Body.

All              We who are many are one Body,

For we all share in the one bread. Alleluia.


At Communion, all are invited to come forward. If you would like the host to be intincted, please indicate so and it will be placed in your hand. Communion in one kind is a complete sacrament.


Prayer After Communion                             from the Liturgy of St. John’s, Red Lake, MN

Presider      Let us pray. 

All              Jesus Christ, our Leader, our Brother, 

YOU are Son of the Creator.

Today we became your children; 

today we became your grandchildren. 

We will live as you have taught us. 

We will follow your commandments. 

Watch over us. 

Speak to us from the trees, from the grass and herbs, from the breeze, from the passing rain, from the passing thunder and the deep waters. 

Before us there is beauty, behind us there is beauty. 

Allow us to walk a long life in happiness completed in beauty. AMEN.


Announcements- Birthdays-- Anniversaries


Benediction                                                                              Shinnecock


O Great Spirit, who has filled the world with beauty,

open our eyes to behold thy gracious hand,

in all thy work keep our hearts thankful and our vision clear,

as we seek to fulfill your blessings.
And the blessing of God Almighty,

U the Creator, the Sanctifier, and the Inspirer,U

rest upon you, this day and every day. Amen.





Centering Bell                             ¥

As the sound of the bell fades, you may raise your arms, blessing those around you. Breathe in: accept both the challenges and blessings of this Holy Communion and let it soak deep into your heart, hands, and wills.




Presider      This service has now ended,

but our service to the world has just begun.

Go in peace 

to walk the good road 

of living in the way of Jesus.

All              Thanks be to God.

-- assembled by the Rev. Leslie Scoopmire, Missioner for Indigenous Engagement, Episcopal Diocese of Missouri, offered during 2023 November Native American Heritage Month liturgies on Saturdays at 505 pm in the chapel of St. Martin's Episcopal Church, Ellisville, MO.

Image: Grizzly Bear, cedar carving, Delmar Joseph, Squamish/Coast Salish, British Columbia, from the collection of Leslie Scoopmire.

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