Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Iroquois Eucharistic Prayer Source Material (Roman Catholic)

To Our Creator for all of Creation, I give thanks

Our God is with you.
And with your spirit.
Lift up your hearts.
We have lifted them up to the Lord.
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
It is right and just.

We give thanks, Our loving God, to the people, our brothers and sisters, with goodness and health;
We give thanks to Earth, our Mother, who supports the people,
To the plants, our medicines, which grow on Earth;
To the waters that flow with life blood and nourish the plants and people;
To the air, especially the winds, that allow us to breathe;
To the trees that purify the air;
To the animals, our four-legged brothers and sisters, who also sustain us;
To the birds, our winged brothers and sisters, who sing to the Creator;
To the sun, our elder brother, who warms Earth and provides light;
To the moon, our grandmother, who guides the people and the cycles of life;
To the stars who provide us direction at night.
To all of creation we give thanks.

And to You, O God, Who gives them all to us, Who abides in them all, And who sustains us all through them. May we forever remember the interconnectedness and equality of all creation And our place in the Great Cycle of Life.

With gentleness and unity in body, mind and spirit, becoming one in harmony and balance with the universe, we give You thanks as we pray…

-- adapted from an Iroquois prayer, found at

Image: Flag of the Iroquois Confederacy

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